Souvenir sheets exchanges.

You send 5 souvenir sheets
to a random member
and you receive 5 back!

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For the moment there are no available partners!
17 Jun 2016, 00:52:48
Why there are no available partners? When will they be?
18 Aug 2019, 21:35:33
The site is ok. The problem is that there are only a few members in this club.
15 Aug 2019, 05:41:38
Good day! For some reason there are no available addresses for sending! Just registered, this can not be! Something with the site?
13 Jul 2018, 11:28:44
I haven't received a letter since April of this year? Can I explain? Maybe the program is not configured?
29 Nov 2017, 12:14:07
Hello Danubius :) Congratulations for these clubs. Really nice and easy way to be linked to other collectors around the world.
I would like to suggest an idea for the Souvenirsheet club: for example, for me, to have 5 repeated souvenir sheets is not an easy job :) They are no like stamps. I know other members have more repeated sheets than I do anyway. So, my idea is ... why dont you create two platforms?? this one, instead of souvenirsheets would be 5souvenirsheets, and you make another one as for example, 2 souvenir sheets ??
maybe this would allow other people to exchange, and you leave the option to keep on 5 souvenir sheets to ones who want to keep 5 per exchange

what do you think ??

this is just a positive comment, ok ??
francesc from Spain
13 Nov 2016, 18:13:32
Hi All!
I am a stamp collector. Collecting Mint stamps and Souvenir sheets. Participating in stamp exhibition shortly. CTO's are not acceptable in stamp exhibitions. They are just fillers.
so I prefer Mint stamps or stamps on envelops addressed to me.
I can offer my partners almost all recent Souvenir sheets issued by India Post. Looking forward to exchanges.

13 Aug 2016, 11:44:57
I have added slots so you can send now. Remains 5 SS per exchange.
09 Aug 2016, 17:41:55
I'm not sure what is the best way to deal with Mint, Used or CTO. It seems there is a place for each one of them. So I would leave this flexibility to the members.

This is one of the reasons why I wanted to only send one. For example, in my country I don't see many used SS, but I can get many CTO as they are inexpensive. But mint are more expensive.

So if I want so send something new and nice I have to send mint. But sending 5 mint is too expensive because usually they have higher values.
08 Aug 2016, 23:34:36
I prefer 5, because I'm not really a stamp collector. I was collecting stamps but my main collection are coins. I still have stamp (including SS) and I just want to get rid of my doubles.

By the way, should we send only mint SS or used and CTO's also can be sent?
06 Aug 2016, 14:22:49
05 Aug 2016, 19:37:41
I will fix it this weekend. I was not sure how to continue with this project.
Are 5 ss per exchange ok?
I was thinking about only one per exchange like in
Maybe with only one ss per exchange we can better fit the preferences of our partners. We could easily send newer ss. We could in this way concentrate on the quality more.
What do you think? Should we continue with 5 or should it change it to 1?
31 Jul 2016, 19:09:37
Or maybe I won't be available. I also can't get address.

Danubius, could you "make" you both available to exchange?
31 Jul 2016, 17:56:59
Soon I will be available :)
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